To Love Radically For My Own Sake
Loving Jesus,
While loving my enemy does not come easily, one of the blessings of putting that kind of radical love into practice is that I am displaying a confident belief in your radical love for me. Only when I am certain that you have not judged me am I able to withhold judging others. Only when I am certain that you have not condemned me am I able to avoid condemning others. Only when I am certain that you have forgiven me am I able to forgive others. Only when I see how much goodness you have poured into my life am I able to pour good into the lives of others. So then, when the opportunity to love my enemy arises, I ask you to grant me an increase of faith in you and all that you have done for me, so that I may faithfully and confidently love radically, as I KNOW you have loved me.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.