Knowing –> Loving –> Living: Living and Listening (Sermon)

What is the best way to live for the Lord? There is no better way than to start by listening. Listening to the Lord and living for him are inseparable. Do you really want to live more for him? Start by listening. This is the final sermon of a six-week series, Knowing –> Loving –> Living.

“Living and Listening” (Matthew 17:1-9 sermon), was preached at Shepherd of the Hills Ev. Lutheran Church (WELS) on Sunday, February 23, 2020.

Knowing –> Loving –> Living: Live for the Lord (Sermon)

We crave affirmation. A child obeys his father in an effort to receive it. An employee works hard for her boss to receive it. Do we live for the Lord for the same reason, or is there more to it? This is the fifth sermon of a six-week series, Knowing –> Loving –> Living.

“Live for the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 sermon), was preached at Shepherd of the Hills Ev. Lutheran Church (WELS) on Sunday, February 16, 2020.

Knowing –> Loving –> Living: Live Good Lives (Sermon)

Knowing the Lord is key to loving him. What do we do for those we love? We live for them. In the second half of our series, our focus shifts to living for him who loves us most. This is the fourth sermon of a six-week series, Knowing –> Loving –> Living.

“Live Good Lives” (1 Peter 2:9-12 sermon), was preached at Shepherd of the Hills Ev. Lutheran Church (WELS) on Sunday, February 9, 2020.

Knowing –> Loving –> Living: The LORD (Sermon)

Living for God depends on knowing him better. In addition to knowing our Savior as the Lamb and the Light, we also rightly call him Lord. But… do we even know what that title means? Do we really know what we’re saying when we call him our Lord? This is the third sermon of a six-week series, Knowing –> Loving –> Living.

“The LORD” (Micah 6:1-8 sermon), was preached at Shepherd of the Hills Ev. Lutheran Church (WELS) on Sunday, February 2, 2020.