For Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness

Holy Spirit,
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. As I look at the ministry of Jesus, kindness and compassion ooze from his lips and his life. In his kindness, he not only met the physical needs of others, feeding the hungry and healing the sick, but he also spoke the words of life to all who would listen.

When I look at my own life, I see how sorely lacking genuine kindness is. With sharp words I tear down and belittle, rather than kindly building up and encouraging. I see other people and their needs as inconveniences rather than opportunities to put kindness into practice. Even when I am kind to others, it is too often either begrudgingly or with self-serving motivations. Instead of a heart that is naturally careless, give me a heart of kindness, and make its fruit in my life a blessing to others. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


Gratitude for Technology

Dear Lord,
When I pause to consider all the good gifts you give me, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Not only do you provide for my every spiritual need, but you give me all that I need physically, too – and so much more than just the necessities. Your generosity is so abundant!

Today I want to thank you for the blessing of technology, which affects my life in so many ways. My phone connects me to countless people and opportunities and experiences instantly. Gaming and streaming options provide endless entertainment. Hospitals are filled with modern medical equipment that saves and sustains lives. Homes are filled with technology that makes so many things so much easier. Thank you!

I also pray that you keep me vigilant in my use of technology. Guard me from becoming mastered by it or attached to it in unhealthy ways, but like all things, to use it in moderation. Since it can also serve as a gateway to sin, protect my eyes and my heart from experiencing anything that would dishonor you, and send your Spirit to guide me with discernment in my use of technology. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Seek the Wisdom of Others

Glorious God,
All true wisdom comes from you, the source of all that is good and true. May I never tire of seeking out the wisdom you provide in abundance through your Word. There is no greater wisdom!

Yet even in your wisdom, you surround us with those who can bless us with a their gifts of wisdom. I ask you to give me the wisdom to seek out the wise counsel of those you have placed in my life. Help me to know when to seek out wisdom from others, and to pursue the right people for the right advice at the right time. Guard me from arrogantly assuming I ever have all the answers, and keep me from dismissing the prudent guidance of others.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Wait on God’s Timing

Loving Lord,
While I am grateful for your gift of time, I confess that I have much room to grow when it comes to waiting on your timing. The Bible is filled with saints who waited on your timing to deliver them and carry out your promises, but it often feels like I haven’t learned anything from their examples. I grow impatient as I wait for your answers to my prayers. I get frustrated when I don’t see the transformation in my life when by faith I put your Word into practice. I am annoyed by the refusal of others to change over time. 

Forgive my impatience. Grant me a willing spirit to wait on your timing and to trust that you act with perfect precision – never too early and never too late, but always right on time. Use my seasons of waiting to keep working on me, so that when you do act, I am prepared and ready to move forward confidently in faith. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Your Word in My Life

Heavenly King,
Your kingdom is like no other kingdom the world has ever seen. It wasn’t established by conquering armies or political prowess. It isn’t bound by borders. It will never be overtaken. Instead, your kingdom comes through the power of your Word as the news of the gospel echoes all over the world.

Since your kingdom revolves around the work of the Word, let my life also revolve around that Word. Forgive me for any on and off relationship I have with my Bible, and grant me the determination to strive for more consistency in reading and studying it. Help me to anticipate any current or future hindrances that arise, so that I am prepared for them and can successfully navigate around them. Through your Word, draw me into a closer, deeper relationship with you as your Holy Spirit fortifies my faith, and use me to serve your purposes in your kingdom. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Fathers

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. On this Father’s Day Sunday, we realize how many of us are doubly-blessed. Not only do we have a perfect Heavenly Father who sustains us and provides for our every need, but we also have the blessing of our earthly fathers to imitate and model His strength and care for us.

For boys and men without such examples of earthly fathers, because they were/are either absent, negligent, or even abusive, we pray that their bond with you as their Heavenly Father may be even more meaningful. In the absence of earthly fathers, surround them with other men to serve as father-figures for them, and use their positive influence to be a blessing.

Forgive all that is sinful and lacking in fathers, and build them up into strong leaders in their marriages and families. When fathers provide structure and discipline as a foundation in raising their children, use that to guide and direct them as they navigate their way through life.

Lead fathers to walk their children to the cross, to live lives of repentance and renewal through the gospel, and to let faith shine brightly for all to see, always seeking to bring glory to you, their Heavenly Father.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Fruit of the Spirit: Forbearance

Holy Spirit,
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. In our quick-to-react, impatient, and short-tempered society, forbearance is in short supply. Too often I find it woefully lacking in myself as well. In your mercy, forgive me.

Cultivate a harvest of this fruit of forbearance within me. Produce in me patience in place of knee-jerk reactions, and restraint rather than snarky and rash responses. Along with these give me the resolve to endure seasons of suffering or hardship. Encourage me to persevere when I am inclined to give up or am tempted to turn anywhere other than to you for help. Work in me the wisdom to wait on your timing to reveal or unravel in my life anything that requires clarity. Finally, use the faithful forbearance you bring about in my life to be a blessing in the lives of others. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To See Your Good in All Things

God Almighty,
You promise me that you work all things for the good of those who love you. What an amazing promise this is! Where I so often struggle even to bring good out of the relatively few things I can control in my life, you assure me that you bring good from everything.

Although I know this promise, my spiritual short-sightedness stifles my trust in it – especially when I am faced with bad news or difficult challenges. Those are the times I sense Satan’s deceitful whispers, leading me to question the reliability of your love and providence for me. When my reason and logic are not satisfied with how I perceive you to be working in my life, cause my faith to intervene and grant me the awareness to see your hand at work. And, even when it still may not be clear to me in such times, broaden my faith to believe it – that you are good, and are always working for good in my life. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For the Blessing of Parents

Lord God,
I thank you for the blessing of parents. Through mothers and fathers, you intend to provide a safe and stable environment in the home to raise up families. Parents who are present and attentive to the needs of their children are a gift. Through parents, continue to provide direction and discipline to children as they navigate the increasingly challenging demands of growing up in a wayward society. 

Above all, use parents to nurture the faith of children. Let fathers own up to the important role of being spiritual leaders. Through mothers, display Jesus-like love and compassion. Create healthy habits in the home that feed faith and support sanctified living. Make weekly worship a non-negotiable priority, that children may build healthy connections and relationships with their church family. Use those relationships to ultimately strengthen their relationship with you as well. Thank you for parents. Richly bless all that they do for families.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For the Wise Use of Our Freedom

Holy Counselor,
Since Jesus bought and paid for us with his precious blood, we are free – free from the fear of eternal death, free from the condemnation of sin, and free from slavery to Satan. We are free because we are yours.

Holy Spirit, guide us with your counsel to use that freedom wisely. Let Jesus’ selfless love direct our own hearts and minds, so that we speak and act not in the best interests of ourselves, but in the interests of others. Let me consider not simply what is permissible for me, but rather what is beneficial for my neighbor. As we combine our freedom in Christ with the spiritual wisdom you provide, our freedom is a blessing that builds others up rather than a burden that breaks them down. Grant me your wisdom, Counselor, so that my freedom might result in honor and glory for you, together with the Father and the Son. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.