To Love Others – Even My Enemies
Lord Jesus,
My ego makes loving others a big enough challenge on its own, so when you up the ante and direct me to love even my enemies, I cringe. Honestly, I don’t want to hear it. The last thing I think my enemy deserves is anything good from me. Instead of love, I would prefer to see a heaping dose of misfortune and misery directed at him. When I find myself wishing ill will on others, then I think pretty highly of myself for not actually following through or saying the types of things that come to mind. But your charge to love my enemies means that even when I just do nothing against my enemy, I still fall terribly short!
Love as you define it includes action. Love as you demonstrated it included action – sacrificial action that saw you hung up and crucified for me. And it might just make sense if I had done anything noteworthy for you or someone else that merited such sacrifice; but I did the exact opposite. My sin reveals my status as sworn enemy by nature, and daily I demonstrate that that enemy is still a part of me. So what did you do for the likes of me? You suffered for me. You died for me. You rose for me. You live for me. You love me.
Now spur on my love for others, even my enemies.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.