To Love Radically For My Neighbor’s Sake

Loving Jesus,
While loving my enemy does not come easily, one of the blessings of putting that kind of radical love into practice is that I am displaying for others how radical your love for them is. When I avoid judging them, I am showing them a God who doesn’t judge them as they deserve. When I do not condemn them, I am showing them a God who doesn’t condemn as they deserve. When I forgive them unconditionally, I am showing them a God who forgives them unconditionally. When I pour good into their lives, I am showing them the God who is the source of all those good things. So then, when the opportunity to love my enemy arises, I ask you to grant me an increase of faith in you and all that you have done for me, so that I may faithfully and confidently love radically, and thereby show my enemy a God who loves HIM radically, too. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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