Inspiration Exasperation

I like a good inspirational post as much as the next guy. Sure, I’ve even posted a few myself.

The problem today is, the next guy also happens to be posting one, and so does the next guy, and the next guy… and… you get it already.

Facebook. Instagram. LinkedIn. If you have spent any amount of time on any social media platform, you have perhaps experienced what I like to call inspiration exasperation. One or two inspiring quotes may give you something beneficial to mull over and ponder during the day; 793 of them may leave you a little bit overwhelmed.

It’s possible to have too much of a good thing. When that happens, rather than find ourselves inspired, we can experience an overstimulation of inspiration. We become suffocated. Swamped. Burdened. Crushed. Inspiration exasperation invites me, no, hounds me, to improve. Do more. Be better. Try harder.

It leaves me wondering, can I ever do enough? Will I ever be enough?

Here’s the solution I would encourage: look somewhere else for inspiration for a change. There’s another kind of inspiration, a kind that isn’t asking more of you, but offers more to you, more for you, than you could ever achieve on your own. Be inspired by the One who achieved everything – all of it – for you already.

God made [Jesus] who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in [Jesus] we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Cor. 5:21 NIV)

Jesus was punished for you. Jesus was perfect for you. That’s enough. He is enough.

Be inspired.