For Husbands

Lord and Savior,
When you willingly endured not only the cross, but also the ridicule, the abuse, and the punishment that preceded it, you showed us what sacrifice looks like. So when you call husbands to love their wives sacrificially, as you loved the church and gave yourself up for her, we have a standard for which to strive. 

Raise up husbands to not only speak lovingly to their wives, but to show it by their actions. Move them to meet their needs. Lead them to provide safety and security. Help them to foster a relationship with their wives that is open and honest, where struggles can be shared and successes celebrated. Let them find joy in being present and delight in connecting with their wives on a deeper level. Bless their intimacy and let their wives be for them the standard of beauty and attraction. Build them up as spiritual examples, making the most of every opportunity to model repentance and extend grace to others. Grant them unwavering trust in you and joy in serving their wives fully. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For My Freedom in Christ

Loving Redeemer,
Through your saving work, you have freed us from the eternal consequences of sin, the dreaded fear of death, and the stranglehold of Satan. We are no longer helpless slaves resigned to a life of servitude to sin. We are free!

Instill in me the daily determination simply to bask in the joy of the freedom you won for me. But don’t stop there. Lead me to use the very freedom you gave me as a means by which I can show my gratitude. I am free to speak to you in prayer and to ponder the promises of your Word. I am free to celebrate the freedom I share with other believers every week in worship. I am free to find genuine purpose, satisfaction, and fulfillment in helping and serving other people according to their needs. I am free to generously support kingdom work financially as you enable me to. I am free to point others to your saving work on their behalf. I am free, and I love the freedom you gave me – thank you!

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For the Blessing of Struggles

Almighty God,
Thank you for struggles. Though I don’t often anticipate ahead of time the good that you are able to bring through them, it becomes clearer as I reflect on them afterward. Through difficulties you keep me humble and lead me to look to and lean on you more. In dealing with challenges, you help me to notice and appreciate the support system you have placed all around me. When I am faced with adversity, it teaches me perseverance and resilience, forcing me to stretch outside my comfort zone or grow beyond what I thought was possible. Although my struggles may feel monumental while in the thick of them, they also put into perspective how resolutely your Son endured so much more on my behalf. Thank you that he endured all that he did, all for me. Give me your strength to keep on enduring as well. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For Mission Work

Lord of the Harvest,
Thank you for instilling in so many people, pastors, and congregations a passion for reaching the lost and a zeal for mission work. Continue to fan into flame the desire to sow the seeds of the gospel so that you might produce a rich harvest through it. Equip believers with the tools and the trust to personally carry out your Great Commission in their individual lives. Give wisdom and guidance to those making difficult decisions that involve planting churches or closing church doors for the purpose of extending your kingdom. Make them aware of and sensitive to the souls affected by such decisions. At the same time, open the eyes of your people to see things from a kingdom perspective rather than the perspective of personal preference, which can sometimes stifle progress in advancing the gospel. Provide overflowing support through generous gifts that allow mission work at home and abroad to expand, pointing more souls to their Savior.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Be Present

Omnipresent Lord,
Since you are not bound by physical limitations or boundaries, the promise of your presence by my side at all times is a promise that can be trusted. It provides me with comfort in any situation and confidence in carrying out what you have called me to do and to be.

I, on the other hand, can only be in one place at a time. Therefore, I pray that you make me more aware of my surroundings. Rather than becoming so easily distracted by one thing or another, help me to be present and in the moment. I don’t want others to perceive me to be too busy for them or disinterested in their story. Remind me to slow down and take time to embrace the rhythms of each day’s routine and the various seasons of my life. I want to give myself fully to you and to others, not withholding any gifts or characteristics unique to me that could be a blessing to others. Each one of us is gifted 24 hours every day to manage in a way that reflects our gratitude. Help me to make the most of that time by fully appreciating it over the course of each and every day.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.