Faith Gifts

(1 Corinthians 12:3-11)

Years ago there was a movie that established quite a cult following by successfully poking fun at cubicles and corporate politics associated with working in the office. In one particular scene, two interviewers called in to help make corporate cuts are sitting with an employee as he explains exactly what he does in the office. It quickly becomes apparent to the viewer in a humorous way that this employee would be the perfect example of where to make cuts, as the employee struggled mightily to explain exactly what his responsibilities were. After all, if he couldn’t explain what he actually did, then why did he have a job there?

A similar question sometimes comes up regarding the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit: what exactly does he do? What is his job?

Most are quite clear on the role that God the Father has – after all, we address his name and his work in worship each week in the Lord’s Prayer. And Jesus will not be overlooked, either. Since his cross and his name are the focal points of the Christian faith, they are rightly emphasized in worship week, too. Jesus is what we’re all about. 

But what about the Holy Spirit? You probably don’t know the name John McCarthy (not the one associated with politics…). He was a computer scientist who lived and worked in the middle of the last century. Even if you don’t know his name, though, you have already benefited from his work and will continue to. John McCarthy is one of the pioneers of AI, artificial intelligence. It was his foundational groundwork that got us to where we are today and wherever the future of AI takes us. So even if you never knew McCarthy, you’ll still benefit from much of the work he did. 

That’s like the role of the Holy Spirit. When he is at work, you may not necessarily know him any better because of it, but you’ll benefit from his work: making Jesus known and believed. When the Holy Spirit is doing his work, you don’t know it because he’s not interested in jumping on stage into the spotlight. Rather, his work is to put Jesus there. His work is to make Jesus known. His work is to bring us to faith in Jesus and keep us in faith in Jesus. 

Paul emphasized that point in the first verse of our words from 1 Corinthians. “Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, ‘Jesus be cursed,’ and no one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit” (v.3). Paul directly connected the work of the Holy Spirit not with making Jesus known and believed. And he stated how important the work of the Holy Spirit is by clarifying that no one can even come to faith in Jesus (which is what Paul means with the phrase “Jesus is Lord”) unless the Holy Spirit enables it by creating the faith to confess it. 

This is the primary work of the Holy Spirit. We call it conversion. When a person is brought from unbelief to saving faith in Jesus, it is the Holy Spirit who has worked that faith. And he works that faith through what we call the “means of grace.” These means, his “instruments” or “tools” of grace, are the gospel (good news about Jesus) in Word and Sacrament. So any effort on our part to make disciples without using those means, without using the Word of God, will be fruitless. The Holy Spirit uses only the message of the Bible to bring people to faith.

When we remember how the Holy Spirit alone works faith through the Word alone, we see faith for what it truly is – a gift. We don’t achieve faith on our own when we work a certain work. We don’t achieve faith on our own when we pray a certain prayer. We don’t achieve faith on our own when we reach some higher level of intellectual or academic achievement. We don’t do anything to come by faith; the Holy Spirit does everything. And he does it through the Word. Faith is the greatest gift the Holy Spirit gives, for through it we receive not only forgiveness and salvation but all other spiritual blessings the Holy Spirit gifts through it as well.

Think of faith like your hand. If I want to give you something, I would place it into your hand. By nature, however, when it comes to our relationship with God, sin leaves our hands clenched in a fist at God. That is because our sin accuses us and shows us our failure at keeping his right ways.

So long as our hands are clenched we cannot receive anything from God. Through the Word, the message about our sin and how God sent his Son to deal with our sin, the Holy Spirit pries open our faithless fists. Then and only then is the open palm of our hand able to receive faith and its gifts from the Holy Spirit.

Although conversion to the Christian faith is the greatest gift the Holy Spirit gives, it is far from the only one. In an effort to make Jesus known to others, once the Holy Spirit gives the gift of faith, he just keeps on giving. He also gives believers spiritual gifts to serve each other and to aid in the process of building up the church with gifts that elevate Jesus to even greater heights.

Although not exhaustive, Paul provided a list of some of those Spirit-given gifts in the second portion of the verses from 1 Corinthians 12. There are a number of ways one might categorize those gifts. One of the simplest might be to just classify them as gifts pertaining to either speaking or serving. While there may be some overlap in gifts, generally most will relate more to speech or service.

Additionally, there are gifts that have been called charismatic gifts, special miraculous gifts given in abundance to the early Christian church. While the Holy Spirit is certainly able to continue dispensing such charismatic gifts to his Church today, that class of gifts does not appear to be as prevalent as it was early on. That is likely because we now have what they didn’t then – the entire written Word of God. 

By no means does that imply that the speaking and serving gifts given to the Church today are in any way inferior. If we should for some reason feel as if we’ve been shortchanged in the gifts given by the Holy Spirit, Paul rules out that faulty thinking. “All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines” (1 Cor. 12:11). The Holy Spirit gives out his gifts in just the right amounts to just the right people, and that includes every single believer. There are no second or third stringers in the church. There are no benchwarmers or backups. Everyone is contributing to the teamwork through which the Holy Spirit does his work.  

And, if we remember the main purpose of these gifts, we can appreciate any and all of the Spirit’s gifts. Paul said, “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good” (v.7). “The common good” means everybody benefits. In other words, your gifts aren’t just for you! My gifts aren’t just for me. They aren’t for personal advantage or personal gain, but for the common good, meaning our gifts are for each other. 

The me-centered miser inside each of us needs that reminder. Sin wants to make everything – even undeserved gifts from the Spirit – all about me. “Look at my wisdom, my knowledge, my faith!” Our sin sees the Spirit’s gifts as an opportunity to shine the spotlight on self.

And that isn’t even the only way that sinful pride abuses the Spirit’s gifts! Yes, I see my gifts as being beneficial to me, but I also see your gifts as a service to me! That’s when we are more than happy to point out to others that they ought to be using their gifts for the common good, when often we really mean for my good. So my gifts are for me, and so are yours. See how expertly we make everything about us!

What happens if you forget the common good and use those gifts selfishly? Consider each individual block in a wall. The wall didn’t just start out like that. It is made up of many blocks stacked together. I suppose a person could leave all of those individual blocks spread out over a large area, but unless those blocks are stacked on top of each other, there will never be a wall. And the more blocks that are stacked on top of each other, the higher the wall reaches. When we use our gifts for the common good, we are stacking them together for the Spirit to build something amazing with his gifts. When we use them selfishly, one person at best benefits – just me.

Think of the paramedic or physician who went through years of training and schooling to acquire the knowledge and skills to help the injured and save lives. Now imagine never using those skills. Those gifts might come in handy for the individual to know how to treat an injury on their own, but no one else will benefit from those gifts. It’s even more damaging than that – not only will they miss out on the benefit when those gifts are neglected or unused; they’ll actually suffer because of it. Some injuries would be more serious than they needed to be, and in some cases, some would die unnecessarily! The body of Christ hurts, too, when the Holy Spirit’s gifts go unused because others suffer. 

On the other hand, what happens when all the body of Christ does put these faith gifts to use? When these gifts are built upon the all-important foundation of the greatest gift of faith, a faith that believes our selfishness is blotted out by the blood of Jesus, a faith that believes our pride is paid for by his sacrificial death, amazing things will happen!

That’s when the Spirit is able to use those gifts to draw attention to Jesus. Do you know the results of the Word at work in connection with the Spirit’s gifts being poured out on that first Pentecost? “Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day” (Acts 2:41). Phenomenal!

That’s the goal, friends. That’s what the Spirit does. That’s why he gives his Word. That’s why he gives his gifts, so that they work for the common good to elevate Jesus to where as many as possible can see him with eyes of faith… until he returns on the last day and we see him with our physical eyes. 

While clinging to the gift of faith then, dear friends, let that faith manifest itself in the expression of your other faith gifts. Use the spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit specialized you with so that Jesus might be elevated and others might be brought to faith. We have the Word. We have the work of the Spirit. We have the gifts to get it done. Put it all together and see what the Spirit can do with it at this time and in this place with and through you. 

Making the Unknown Known

(Acts 17:22-31)

We love being “in the know.” It sets us apart from those around us who aren’t. When we’re in the know, suddenly others are more interested in us, possibly even impressed by us, because we have some coveted knowledge or information that interests them. It makes us feel good to be the center of attention like that.

The other reason we like being in the know is that we don’t enjoy the feeling of being out of the loop. We don’t like feeling inferior or dumb because we don’t have that insider information. We fear being looked down on or teased for not knowing something that it seems everyone else but us knows. 

Either view exposes the underlying problem when it comes to having insider information or being “in the know”: it reveals how self-centered we are. It reveals how inherently we want everything to revolve around us.

It’s really essential for us to acknowledge our self-centeredness when discussing the topic of evangelism, witnessing, sharing our faith, or telling others about Jesus – whichever phrase you prefer. If we refuse to acknowledge our self-centeredness, here’s what ends up happening: we construct our own castles and comfortably hide out inside them until someone calls us out.

Why do we hide there? Because we want to avoid hearing the stinging conclusion about our self-centeredness as it pertains to evangelism: we are naturally more concerned about our own reputation than we are about others’ salvation. While we proudly display the He > I stickers for all to see on the back of our cars, but wouldn’t dare display the sticker that says My reputation > your salvation.

If it wasn’t true that we care more about our reputation than others’ salvation, then we would identify our fears or weaknesses when it comes to witnessing AND make progress in working through them. We’d face the fear of possible rejection. We’d learn more instead of “not knowing how.” We’d connect with more people if “all our friends are Christians.” These – and every other castle we could construct – could actually be overcome with effort, but that effort won’t be exerted until we come to grips with the truth that we are more concerned about our own reputation than others’ salvation.

One doesn’t need to question which was the greater concern for the apostle Paul. He was on a missionary journey sowing the seeds of the gospel to bring salvation to as many as possible. Having previously been in Thessalonica for a matter of weeks until he was forced out, he then went to Berea until he was tracked down yet again by those opposing his message, and then found himself ushered by the believers into Athens. While he was waiting to be rejoined by his travel companions, he noticed the sea of idols throughout the city and was compelled to say something. 

There were a number of ways he typically would carry out his mission work, often including going to the local synagogue and preaching. Additionally, he spent time daily discussing Jesus’ resurrection with any who would listen. Not surprisingly, in a city like Athens, known for its pastime of robust philosophical discussions, Paul was eventually invited to the Areopagus, the “Hill of Aries,” or Mars Hill.

This was the primary location for such discussions and where the political council met in ages past. Ironically, on a hill named after a mythological god in a city rife with idols to false gods, Paul seized the opportunity to proclaim the true God. Because Paul was more concerned about others’ salvation than his own reputation. 

Paul’s concern for others’ salvation is abundantly clear in his writings, too. “Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court” (1 Corinthians 4:2-3). In fact, Paul cared so desperately about the salvation of his fellow Jewish people that considered the possibility of giving up his own salvation for their sake, if that were somehow possible. “I speak the truth in Christ—I am not lying, my conscience confirms it through the Holy Spirit—I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race, the people of Israel” (Romans 9:1-4a). Wow!

So how does it make you feel when you see Paul held up on a pedestal for his impassioned zeal to save hell-bound souls? Does it leave you feeling enamored and in awe of him to such a degree that you are convinced more than ever that Paul is in a league of his own? Does he inspire you to want to be more like him, to be so focused on soul-saving that you cast aside any concern for what people might think of you and give everything you can to reaching the lost? Or does mention of Paul’s mission zeal leave you rolling your eyes and tuning out because “good for Paul, but I’m not Paul” after all? Regardless of how you feel about Paul, we need to consider why Paul was so driven to put so much energy into reaching the lost.  

It wasn’t his natural public speaking ability or his knack for influencing or some specialized training he had received. No, it wasn’t any of these. What was it that made Paul such a powerful evangelist? He knew how much he was forgiven.

Paul expressed this powerfully in his first letter to Timothy: “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life” (1:15-16). Paul didn’t consider himself great; he considered himself the worst! It’s because he thought so little of himself that he thought so highly of Christ! Paul knew he was exactly the type of sinner Jesus came into the world for – the type who needed forgiving.

Remember the sinful woman washing Jesus’ feet? When the self-righteous religious crowd witnessing it balked at 1) Jesus allowing a sinner to touch him and 2) someone wasting such expensive perfume for washing feet, Jesus gave a rather simple explanation. “She was forgiven many, many sins, and so she is very, very grateful. If the forgiveness is minimal, the gratitude is minimal” (Luke 7:47, The Message). Her meek modeling of generosity flowed from having been personally flooded with forgiveness!

Do you know how forgiven you are? When it comes to being in awe of forgiveness, it is usually in connection with the “big” sins that we tend to think are in their own class. And indeed, such instances do showcase how amazing forgiveness is.

But you know when else we need to be reminded of how forgiven we are? When we consider the sins that hardly register a blip on our radar. The ones that come so easily to us. The ones we commit so effortlessly. The ones that we think so little of as to not even really need to acknowledge them.

We’re such experts at swiping through video shorts with expert speed and precision to filter out the ones that don’t entertain us, that we fail to turn on our faith filter and imagine if Jesus would be laughing if he was sitting with me soaking it up.

A witty rip escapes my lips and its lack of love is lost amidst all the laughs it gets.

Since violence and gore so easily ooze into nearly every show or game produced nowadays, their prevalence prevents us from reflecting on whether or not graphic depictions honor God in any way.

The offensive language in our music doesn’t count in our minds so long as we make it clear to others that we are aware it’s offensive and inappropriate… as we keep on listening to it.

See how quickly and effortlessly sin stacks up in our lives without hardly registering in our minds as such? And it’s precisely the sheer quantity of those forgiven sins alone that ought to dizzy us with the depth of forgiveness that Jesus extends to us. Paul thought he was the worst of sinners? The crowds thought the woman at Jesus’ feet was despicable? They haven’t seen anything yet! I put them to shame. You put them to shame. We’re able to sin in ways that weren’t even around yet at their times! Do you know what that means?

It means we’re forgiven in more ways, too.

Do you know how forgiven you are? We do not so easily brush aside our sins as trivial, and make so little of the precious blood your Savior spilled for us. His whole time on earth crescendoed to his crucifixion, the greatest act of injustice in the history of the world, endured for our sin – sin that demanded nothing less. Sin that we welcome and embrace so easily and openly. Sin that has been forgiven so fully and completely. And at such a dear price. 

And… that has been made known to you. Not only do we know that it happened, what Jesus did for us, but we also believe it! How many souls on this planet right now are going about their lives without knowing their sin has been forgiven? How many are indifferent to, ignorant of, ashamed of, guilt-ridden by, or self-medicating because of the sins they don’t know have already been fully and completely forgiven?

Many have never heard the name of Jesus. Others know the name but not the significance. Either way, their Savior is unknown to them.

But that same Savior is not unknown to you. He is known by you, loved by you, and gave himself for you. Can we now give ourselves to him by making him known to others? 

This Is the Way

(John 14:1-11)

Even if you’re not a Star Wars nerd, the popularity of one of its spinoffs, The Mandalorian, has already cemented its catchphrase into pop culture: This is the way. It’s a sort of catch-all code of honor among Mandalorians that is recited as if it were a religious rite, affirming an unquestioned devotion to the Mandalorian way of things. Is the mission too difficult? Is the request at odds with some other code of ethics? Does certain behavior seem unusual to those on the outside looking in? None of that matters. “This is the way,” says all that needs to be said and puts an end to any questioning or doubting. 

While it might work for a show, such a message is about as at odds with our current culture’s outlook as any message could be. In a society that celebrates the permission of each individual to pursue whatever personalized path promises happiness at any cost, about the only thing we aren’t allowed to dictate to anyone is the sentiment that there is only one right way. It is unacceptable to express the opinion that someone else has chosen the wrong way and that “this is the [right] way.” While such a phrase is a code of honor on a television show, our society says it’s about the greatest blasphemy one can commit! Instead, we celebrate that yours is the way for you and mine is the way for me and they have their way over there and we all have our own ways because our own ways – and not those dictated and enforced on us by others – offer the most personal satisfaction and happiness.

If I may make an observation, since my whole calling involves dealing with people, both inside and outside the church: I don’t see a society in general that appears to be enjoying the happiness it was expecting in being able to choose its own way. The freedom from a sense of rigidly enforced cookie-cutter norms passed down from either parents or society and replaced by the freedom of self-expression and individualization was supposed to do the trick. But it seems as if we’re the ones who’ve been tricked. In other words, it doesn’t strike me that “your way is the way” and “my way can also be the way” has resulted in the storybook bliss that was expected.

Here’s what I see. We are irate and angry – even when getting to do what we wanted! Why? Because as it turns out, it wasn’t enough for me to get my way as long as there is still anyone else who isn’t OK with my way. Then I have to have my way AND make sure everyone else is accepting of it. THEN I’ll finally be happy.

But that wasn’t the agreement (neither is it ever achievable!). We were supposed to be happy being free to be whatever we wanted and to do whatever we wanted with no strings attached. But we aren’t. So rather than pausing to step back and evaluate or reassess whether or not choosing our own individualized paths is actually the best way, we do what comes most naturally to us all: we find someone or something else to blame for our dissatisfaction. 

The comparison game that social media fosters is to blame – that’s why we’re so unhappy. Politics are so divisive – that’s why we’re so angry. The institution of marriage is so outdated – that’s why we’re divorcing. A lack of gun control is the problem – that’s why we’re shooting up schools and malls. We’re getting bullied – that’s why we’re committing suicide.

Is there some truth to each of these – yes, absolutely! That’s what makes this all so dangerous. We hide our blaming behind the tiniest kernel of truth and call it justified. Maybe instead, we ought to consider the possibility that we’ve hitched our wagon to the wrong horse of happiness and ask if there is a better way.

Of course, I could be wrong. But the research doesn’t seem to reflect that. And by research, I mean Google. A simple Google search on happiness in America reveals hit after hit reflecting in one article or another that our happiness as a country is at a low point. So if research is showing us that Americans are the unhappiest they’ve been in 50 years, maybe it’s time to rethink the ways we’ve chosen.

Let’s filter out all of the noise and try listening to the words of Jesus. He certainly grabs our attention with the first words from John 14. “Do not let your hearts be troubled” (v.1). There is something soothing about just reading and hearing those words from Jesus. Why did he speak them?

It was the night before he was going to be crucified and it was the last meal he was sharing with his disciples. He was well aware of how difficult the next 24 hours would be for them when they would see how Jesus would be treated, tortured, and crucified.

On top of that, he had just finished telling his disciples that they would betray and deny him in the process. So we understand why their hearts would be troubled!

And Jesus knows why your hearts are troubled, too. As I mentioned, there is a kernel of truth to all of the blame we place on everything else that weighs heavily on us. But those things alone don’t bear 100% of the blame. As efficient as we are at directing blame elsewhere, we can’t hide that we share some of it. We haven’t played our part perfectly as parents, spouses, friends, employees, etc., leaving us still troubled with guilt and shame. So Jesus is speaking to you as much as he was his disciples on that night when he said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled” (v.1).

To back up his words, Jesus then hit the fast-forward button to reassure his disciples by reminding them of the heavenly outcome waiting for them. Knowing that his disciples then and now cannot possibly comprehend the glories of heaven with the limitations of worldly knowledge and experiences, he opted for a relatable picture of heaven that has brought hope and comfort to countless souls ever since he first spoke the words. He promised a reservation and room in the mansion of heaven, further assuring his followers that if he was leaving to make sure all was ready for them in that place, that he would most surely return to take them there. 

Then, demonstrating their confusion, the disciples wanted Jesus to be more specific, as if he could give them the address so they could punch it into their GPS and have a clear picture of where they were going. That’s when, with words that have reassured many and revolted others, Jesus reminded them that they already knew the way. He was the way. He still is the way… and the truth, and the life.

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’” (v.6). I wonder how Jesus’ words hit our ears today. I know many Christians find them so very comforting. There are also others who find them confusing, wondering what Jesus is actually saying with those words. And surely there are some who even find them a little off-putting. I mean, doesn’t that sound a little egocentric or narcissistic to claim that you are the way/truth/life and that no one has access to God except through you?

Well… is it egocentric or narcissistic when the medical doctor prescribes only one medication, and one that is to be taken only when and as he directs? Is it egocentric or narcissistic when the successful coach gives a player a very specific set of drills to work on to improve in one area or another? Or a music teacher shows certain techniques to improve playing ability? Or… you get the point.

In so many areas of life, we simply take the word of the expert. We don’t huff and puff that they didn’t permit us to do it the way we wanted to do it. We don’t push back because they’re being too presumptuous to assume their way is the only right way. We listen, and more often than not, when we do what they say, we find success. 

Do you know why you’ll find success when taking Jesus at his Word and believing he is the way, the truth, and the life, and the One through whom we have access to God? Because he’s already succeeded for us. Here’s why his way works: he is the one who did the work. That’s why his way is so unlike every other way.

You’re probably familiar with the description of religions being like different paths that can be taken up a mountain. The point emphasized is that although they may be different paths, they all eventually will get you to the final destination: the top of the mountain, where god supposedly is. There may be different religious writings and various versions of guides and gurus to get you there, but eventually whichever religion or path you choose will get the job done.

Jesus says otherwise – and with good reason. Christianity doesn’t presume to be just one more path up the mountain to get closer to God. Instead, it reveals a radically different take: God descended down the mountain to come to us because he knew we’d never make it up to him. Jesus left heaven to be born into this world as a real person in a real place called Bethlehem. His perfect life was real. His death by crucifixion was real. His resurrection was real. 

Therefore this truth is real: your sins are fully paid for and forgiven. All of them. So is this truth: heaven is open to all who believe it. So is this truth: there is no mountain for you to climb, no penance for you to complete, no right for you to wrong. Everything has already been finished and completed for you in Christ Jesus. This is the way. Jesus is the way.

Jesus calls us to believe this, but as if anticipating that his words might be too difficult for some, he even extends the invitation to “at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves” (v.11). Jesus welcomes doubters and skeptics and calls us to look at the proof.

Surely you know someone’s life who has been radically changed by Jesus. I’m not referring to some short-term high that comes from the quick results of a fad diet. We aren’t talking about the positive impact of a motivational speaker at some weekend getaway. This is more than the magic of some enchanted romantic relationship.

I mean people whose upside-down lives have been turned right-side up. Those whose chains of bitterness and resentment have been broken. Addictions that have been overcome. Rage and anger have been eased into a gentle calm. 

It’s not the poor examples of Jesus’ followers that nullify the way of Christianity, but the good he still lavishes on this world despite the poor examples. It’s strong marriages. Good people. Selfless neighbors. Caring teachers. Compassionate communities. That we see any of these in a sin-shattered world is evidence that God paved a better way in the life, words, and works of Jesus. So if you’re looking for life, look no further this is the way. 

Dealing with Doubt

(John 20:19-31)

Doubt is a universal struggle. We all deal with it at different times in life under different circumstances. When it comes to dealing with doubt, what have you found to be most helpful to address it?

Does it help when others provide this insightful advice: “You just have to believe.”? How about this: “Stop doubting.”? Or this one, which combines them both: “Stop doubting and believe.”? 

You might recognize that last one from John 20. Those are the words of Jesus himself.

Under the circumstances, I imagine they were pretty powerful. Thomas hadn’t been with the other disciples that first Easter Sunday when Jesus appeared to them to offer proof of his resurrection from the dead. This time, however, Thomas was present as Jesus appeared to them, providing concrete evidence to back up his words, “Stop doubting and believe.” It’s much easier to stop doubting and believe when the evidence is staring you in the face and speaking the very words to you!

But do those words carry the same weight if it’s not Jesus speaking them to you in person? They don’t, which is why telling someone who is struggling with doubt to just “stop doubting” might be about the least effective advice there is. And right up there with it is “just believe more.”

That kind of advice is not only ineffective but also a bit of an insult. It goes without saying that the person struggling with doubt knows full well that the desired outcome would be to doubt less and believe more. Yet the whole reason they’re struggling is because they can’t!

Unless we expect Jesus to show up on our doorstep and help us address our doubts in the way that he did Thomas, how do we manage them? How do we overcome them? How do we eliminate them? 

Let’s start with an essential first step: realizing that you won’t ever eliminate them. That just won’t happen. We often beat ourselves up because we think we can completely eliminate our doubts.

But no human being, no matter how strong a believer she is, no matter how self-confident he is, will ever get to the point of completely eliminating doubts from life. Once we realize that is not the goal, because it is not achievable, then we can actually make some progress. And the best verse in this whole section to help us address doubt is found at the very end in verse thirty-one. 

Before we get to that though, let’s recap the details of this account, singling out the highlights. Think of how busy Easter Sunday morning is as you consider everything that goes on at church that morning. But no matter how much effort is put into the worship and music and brunch and egg hunt and clean up, it’s nothing compared to how busy Jesus was on that first Easter Sunday.

He had one Resurrection gig after another scheduled throughout the day, appearing here, there, and everywhere, finally presenting himself to the distressed disciples who were fearfully hunkered down behind locked doors. As they were still trying to piece together the various stories and appearances and the implications of it all, Jesus himself appeared in their presence.

But Jesus was there to provide more than just his presence; he provided them with peace. And with that peace he sent them out, equipping them with the gift of the Holy Spirit to pass along that peace to others through what we call the Use of the Keys, that calling every Christian has in Jesus’ name to forgive the sins of the repentant or to withhold forgiveness from the impenitent.

“Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’ And with that he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven’” (v.21-23)

There was a lot going on there! Jesus’ presence. The promise of Jesus’ peace. The tall order of being sent by Jesus. Receiving the Holy Spirit. Forgiving sins. It wasn’t just a lot to do… it was a lot to doubt.

Doubting has come naturally to mankind ever since Satan first introduced it in the Garden with his “Did God really say?” So when Jesus showed up and then basically laid out his marching orders for believers to carry out until he returns on the last day, there was more than enough to doubt. Especially for a group that had deserted and denied Jesus in his moment of greatest need!

“Are we really at peace, after our shameful behavior?” Are you seriously sending this group?” “Do we really have the Holy Spirit – where is the proof?” “You’re counting on us to be able to forgive others’ sins when we’re guilty of more sins ourselves than we could ever count?”

There was so much room for doubt! And to make matters worse for Thomas, he wasn’t even there! In hindsight, we shouldn’t be so shocked that he ever doubted; it would have been more shocking if he had believed all of it without any doubt whatsoever! 

But Jesus is patient. And not just with those we might reasonably expect him to be patient (those we might think of as having earned it because they are pretty strong, spiritually speaking). No, Jesus is patient with everyone who doubts. Even the Thomases.  

Notice that Jesus didn’t come to take Thomas to task (just as he didn’t scold Mary at the tomb on Easter). He didn’t show up a week later to embarrass Thomas, but to encourage him; to strengthen him.

Too often we view Jesus as the drill sergeant who is most interested in shaping us up. Behave! Obey! Get it right! Don’t mess up again! That wasn’t Jesus’ message to Thomas, though.

“Then Jesus told him, ‘Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed’” (v.29).

With these words, Jesus was not only reassuring Thomas, but also sharing a powerful truth that all of the disciples would need to hear and bear in mind as they began to carry out the mission he was sending them on. They were dealing with spiritual matters, with matters of faith, with things unseen which are the Holy Spirit’s work.

Jesus was telling them the Word he was sending them with was powerful enough to create faith and belief even in those who would never lay physical eyes on the resurrected Jesus. So Jesus wasn’t just showing patience with Thomas, but really all of the disciples. 

That same Jesus is every bit as patient with you. Your doubt doesn’t disqualify you from Christ’s Kingdom. In fact, since there is nothing that can qualify you for Christ’s Kingdom, then it stands to reason that nothing can disqualify you. Jesus doesn’t welcome us into his kingdom based on some scale of how weighty our faith is or rule us out of his kingdom based on the degree of doubt we drum up.

He welcomes us into his kingdom despite our doubts. He welcomes us to dispel our doubts as he strengthens our faith. He welcomes us by his grace, through his Spirit, on account of his work. His. His. His. And that is why his kingdom is yours. 

With full confidence in his grace, so clearly displayed on Good Friday’s cross and evidenced again via the vacant tomb on Easter Sunday, our place in Christ’s Kingdom is secured. Through our faith in his saving work, it is ours. And as those who belong, we long to believe with a faith that grows even firmer, a faith that is so strongly rooted in the soil of Christ’s saving work that it leaves less room for weeds of doubt to pop up. For those craving that kind of conviction and confidence of faith, let’s finally dig into verse 31.

“But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (v.31). In addition to the resurrection account covered in the verses from John 20, John’s Gospel had previously spent 19 chapters recording many of the words and works of Jesus that aren’t covered in the other Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke (referred to as the synoptic Gospels, as they cover many of the same accounts). Now, as he concludes his Gospel, he explains his intent behind all of it: so that you may believe and have life. Believe and live. 

If we are serious about wanting to manage our doubts and overcome them as they arise, then here it is again. Exactly what Jesus directed Thomas to do: stop doubting and believe.

What is different this time around? Remember, we don’t have Jesus himself speaking the words to us right in front of us as Thomas did. But we have something that Jesus guarantees is every bit as powerful: His Word, the Bible – powerful because his Word is nothing more than his words recorded for us. 

See how John wrote it? “These are written that you may believe… and that by believing you may have life in his name” (v.31). Written. Believe. Written. Believe. See any connection there? It’s all right in the Bible. Literally. There isn’t some secret passage to uncover that will serve as a silver bullet.

If that’s been your approach to Scripture, then you’ve been misled or doing it wrong. The Bible isn’t a textbook for finding the answer to pass the test. It is life. It is faith-fortifying. It is doubt-destroying. It is belief-building. 

But not merely by being written. It has to be read. By God’s grace, you’re familiar enough with it for faith in Jesus to have been formed. But God doesn’t shift gears and point us to some other method for growing our faith that is different from how he brought us to faith. It’s the same thing.

The written Word. When read. When studied. When pondered. When personalized. When lived and breathed. When loved. When we become more and more wrapped up in this written Word, the Holy Spirit sees to it that faith flourishes.

And where faith is flourishing, Satan isn’t as inclined to sow his seeds of doubt, for he knows they are less likely to take root. Instead, he will reinforce the doubts of those already clouded in unbelief and focus his attention on believers who are too busy for the Word and preoccupied with the world. And who can blame him?!? His rate of success is much higher where faith is fizzling, and faith is fizzling where the written Word is not read. 

So will this Easter turn out the same as previous ones? Same service, give or take? Same nice brunch? Same nice meal with the family? Same baskets and eggs and candy? Same doubts?

Or will it be different? Will you read the Word that has been written so that, like Thomas, you may stop doubting and believe?