For the Gift of Time

Heavenly Father,
Our times are in your hands. Teach us to number our days so that we manage our time here on earth well. While some days seem rushed and others seem to drag on, you give each of us the same 24 hours every day. I ask you to help me make the most of the time you give me. I don’t want to take it for granted or presume there will always be time later on for what is important. Give me the self-control and discipline to maintain a healthy balance between time for recreation and enjoyment and time for focused work and dedicated service to others. Whether a spirit of sloth sets in or my relationship with work becomes consuming, use trusted friends or family to help me realize it and review how I am managing your gift of time. Above all else, move me to always prioritize my time with you, both personally in my daily devotional time, and together with brothers and sisters in the faith in worship and Bible study. May I always honor you in the way I maximize your gift of time. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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