To Manage Time Well

Eternal God,
As the creator of time itself, you established it all, from the seasons down to the seconds, for our good. You govern it perfectly and intend for our time of grace here on earth to be a blessing as we manage it in service to you through our service to others.

When we take this gift of time for granted, however, forgive us. Too often we treat it as an endless commodity without limit, and then when it passes us by we wonder what happened. Help us to manage our time well. We recognize there are different seasons of life that are made up of different rhythms and requirements. When we need to spend more time in service to others, let us be wary of neglecting time with our family. When we spend time with our family, let it be quality time, undisturbed by thoughts of work or other responsibilities.

Lead me also to see the importance of down time, time to rest and recover. Guard me from filling every available time slot in my day with more busyness and activity. Instead, help me to see the necessity of maintaining margin in my schedule so that I don’t run myself ragged. Give me the discipline also to guard my daily time with you and refuse to lie to myself by routinely defering because “I’ll get to it later.” Time with you is always time well spent, so help me prioritize it. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For the Gift of Time

Heavenly Father,
Our times are in your hands. Teach us to number our days so that we manage our time here on earth well. While some days seem rushed and others seem to drag on, you give each of us the same 24 hours every day. I ask you to help me make the most of the time you give me. I don’t want to take it for granted or presume there will always be time later on for what is important. Give me the self-control and discipline to maintain a healthy balance between time for recreation and enjoyment and time for focused work and dedicated service to others. Whether a spirit of sloth sets in or my relationship with work becomes consuming, use trusted friends or family to help me realize it and review how I am managing your gift of time. Above all else, move me to always prioritize my time with you, both personally in my daily devotional time, and together with brothers and sisters in the faith in worship and Bible study. May I always honor you in the way I maximize your gift of time. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


For the Gift of Time

Lord God,
Time is a gift from you. Each day is made up of 24 hours of opportunities to bring you honor and glory in how we manage the blessing of time. Lead us to use it well, in ways that treat it like the gift it is instead of an expectation or entitlement to be used or wasted thoughtlessly. Guide us to balance our time between diligently carrying out our own personal responsibilities, while also allowing time to be a blessing and a service to others.

Help us guard against over scheduling and saying yes to more obligations than we are able to faithfully fulfill. If we struggle to include necessary margin for rest and recovery in our lives, surround us with others who help us to see this need and remind us to prioritize it. In our wise management of time, we show our gratitude for your gift of time.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.