For Your Gifts of Marriage and Sex

Dear Savior,
The world has taken your gifts of marriage and sex, separated the two from each other, and the results have been disastrous. Marriage has been stripped of so many of its blessings as it is viewed as an out-dated, optional arrangement. Sex is treated as simply another self-serving pleasure to be pursued at will. Without the commitment, the faithfulness, and the spouse-first humble service of marriage, families and individuals have been deeply hurt, broken, and trampled on by the misuse and abuse of relationships and sex.

I pray that you help me to address the issue and lead by example. Help me to speak highly and respectfully of your gifts of marriage and sex, and of women in general. Guard my own heart from sexual temptations. I want to celebrate wedding anniversaries as precious milestones that serve as testaments to the blessings attached to your institution of marriage. Surround me with solid marriages, dedicated spouses, and flourishing families, all for the betterment of our society and for your glory.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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