To Guard Me against Glory-Seeking

Dear Father,
We live in an age when the internet and social media have created more ways than ever for people to become popular. Sometimes that popularity is merited, based on impressive accomplishments that were achieved through dedication and hard work. Other times, though, it seems to happen for reasons beyond anyone’s explanation. Getting noticed for either of those reasons is neither good nor bad necessarily, but pride can quickly see that things take a turn for the worse. 

I ask you to guard my heart from the desire to pursue popularity as a means of glory-seeking. There are noble pursuits to focus on which would serve the greater good in their own right, and then there are efforts simply to get known. Let me be so satisfied in being known and loved by you that I don’t need to crave the world’s validation or the glory that might come with it. Whatever glory the world can offer falls woefully short of the significance of belonging to you. Let that be more than enough for me.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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