To Be Aware of Those Hurting During the Holidays

Compassionate Savior,
The weeks ahead will be filled with busy activities in homes, at schools, and in the workplace. While these events are generally a source of warmth and happiness as we gather and socialize, this time of year can also be painful for many.

Memories from past painful events that took place during this time of year can resurface and dull the delight of those affected by them. Hearts are made heavy by the remembrance of loved ones who passed away during this season, no matter how long ago. Current career stress and end of the year job responsibilities can also factor into the frustration many experience. 

Enable me to be aware of the hurts of others during the holidays. Grant me sensitivity to engage meaningfully with those who are struggling, so that I am able to provide them with needed support and hope. Make me a bright spot when they feel surrounded by darkness. Through my compassion, help them catch a glimpse of yours, so that they may know how much they are cared for.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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