To Stay Focused

Dear Father,
There are so many distractions in this world that make it more challenging than ever just to stay focused. Some of these distractions are my own fault, while others are the product of living in such a distracted world. So much around me is vying for my attention, and too often I succumb and give in. It can be frustrating when I can’t accomplish the task at hand because I struggle to stay focused. 

Guard me from the weakness of permitting distractions as a means of procrastination. Help me identify possible distractions and give me the discipline to remove them whenever I need to focus. Where helpful, give me the wisdom to break down bigger tasks into smaller steps so that my need to focus is more manageable. Bless my progress by allowing me to see and to celebrate the results achieved through my focused efforts.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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