To Care for Your Gifts of Body and Life

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. You have given us the precious gift of life, as well as marvelous bodies to carry out your will and your work in this world. While your grace and mercy compel us to protect your gift of life and to care for it, so often my own selfishness puts my body and life and the bodies and lives of others at risk. I neglect the care of my own body, disregarding what I eat, and making choices that put my health at risk. My body is a temple, and I dishonor you when I fail to properly care for it. And, while I may never have taken anyone’s life physically, since you view hatred toward others on the same plane as murder itself, I am guilty. 

You, on the other hand, valued life so much that you gave up the life of your only Son for the lives of all others. Having been spiritually raised up from the dead to this new life, now give me that same appreciation for life and the opportunities you give me to care for and to protect my own life and the lives of others. Help me to see and to embrace all the ways I can honor and serve you and others with my body and life.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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