To Taste and See Your Goodness

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. In your Word you invite us to taste and see that you are good. Sundays are an ideal opportunity to take you up on your invitation. In every way possible this morning, as I walk into your house for worship, let me experience your goodness. As I take note of the worship space and consider how so much of it directs my attention to you, let me see your goodness. When I sing hymns that recount all that you have done on my behalf, all that you do daily for me, and all that you promise to do for me in the future, let me see your goodness. When your Word is read and proclaimed, send your Spirit to enlighten my understanding of you and reinforce my faith as you let me see your goodness. When I leave your house, having been filled up and encouraged, let me leave with a renewed zeal to pursue righteous living and to draw others to you so they, too, may see your goodness. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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