To Love Your Word and Worship

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. Nevertheless, since they expose my sin, I naturally bristle before them. You command us to love your Word and worship, not because you need it from us, but because you know our greatest need is you. You alone save, and without you and apart from you nothing else matters. So when I despise or neglect your Word, I am on the most dangerous path possible.

In this modern day, I have more opportunities than anyone at any time in history not only to study your Word, but also to worship with other believers. Since there is no other means by which you build up and bless your people and your church, instill in me a craving for the Bible. Create in me a longing to gather with fellow believers to be fed and nourished by your Word as it is sung, spoken, and proclaimed in worship. Make me diligent in prioritizing daily time with you in your Word, so that I may treasure it as it ought to be treasured. Through it, keep me near to you for this life, so that I may be near you in the life to come.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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