To Avoid Judging Others

Dear Lord,
Your call to love my friends and my enemies is a challenging one, not only because of who they are, but because of who I am. It is too natural for me to make snap judgments about others or assume something negative about them without even knowing them. I easily form an unfavorable opinion of them on the basis of their overall appearance, the way they dress, or they way they carry themselves. Without actually knowing any real details about who they are as people, I have made up my mind as to whether or not they are worth my time and attention. 

How grateful I am that you don’t judge me on the basis of me, but rather on the merits of my perfect Savior! Forgive me for then turning around and judging others on the basis of such trivial things. Give me the mind and heart of Jesus, to exude love and care to everyone at all times. Free me from favoritism, from using arbitrary criteria to determine where to extend my help and service, and instead let me base it on wherever there is a need. Help me to see others as you do at all times.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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