To Serve Others in Worship

Heavenly Father,
Sundays are sacred. When I enter your house of worship, I am eager to be fed and served by you with a diet of law and gospel. So much of worship directs my attention to the many ways you have served me in the past, you currently serve me in the present, and you promise to serve me in the future. How blessed I am to be served by you!

Your service to me inspires my service to others. Help me see the ways I can serve others gathering for worship this morning. I don’t just want to be a Sunday morning consumer, but also a contributor. Use worship as a platform to provide opportunities for me to follow in your footsteps by serving others. Give me the confidence to step in and serve when and where I can, and help others to be unafraid to ask. May your service to me and my service to other be a blessing today. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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