For Moderation

Gracious God,
You go above and beyond in providing my blessings. Not only do you provide my daily bread; you give me more than I need and so much of a what I want. My list of reasons for which to give thanks is never a short one!

Along with these abundant blessings comes the challenge of appreciating them sensibly. While you give me so much to enjoy, I am tempted to overdo it at times. Give me the self control to make use of what you give me in moderation. It isn’t only sinful things I need to guard against, but good things gone to the extreme. Eating, gaming, social media/scrolling, even reading or working out – these and so many other activities are all things that can consume me in an unhealthy way. Help me to be disciplined in my use of your blessings. Do not allow me to be mastered by anything, but always in control, and using all that you give me to your glory.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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