To Honor Your Name

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. Nevertheless, since they expose my sin, I naturally bristle before them. With the Second Commandment you emphasize the importance of protecting your name and reputation. Through abuse, misuse, and even simply treating your name too casually, I have failed to give your name the honor and respect it deserves. It’s also a shame when your name is used to curse or wish evil on someone – especially when your name alone is the name that saves! 

May I revere your name by using it for the holy purposes you intended: to pray, praise, and give thanks. I want others to know the blessings associated with your name. Lead me to speak of you with respect and call on you confidently in the presence of others. Help me to appreciate the deep meaning behind the many different names and titles ascribed to you in Scripture and what they reveal about you. I pray that my thoughts, words, and actions will always glorify your name. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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