To Keep From Coveting

Holy Father,
When your Ten Commandments expose my sin, they leave me without excuse and unable to find anywhere to hide. Nevertheless, the sinner in me still tries! I still try to justify or downplay my wrong, quickly pointing out the times that I didn’t actually say or do anything wrong, but merely hid evil thoughts or desires inside my head and heart – or so I thought!

But when you forbid me even to covet, to refrain from having unholy desires in my heart, you call me out. In fact, in doing so you really lay bare the starting point of all sin: my heart. Every word or action that breaks any of your commandments is first conceived in my heart. So I ask you not only to guard my heart from external influences, but also to create holy desires within me. Cause me to crave what is noble and good and pleasing to you, and fill my heart with pure thoughts so there is no room for sinister desires to take root. Replace covetous desires with contentment and gratitude, satisfying me with every good gift you’ve already granted me.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Honor Those in Authority

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. Nevertheless, since they expose my sin, I naturally bristle before them. How true this is when you remind me that you have placed others in authority over me! Although you intend those over me to be a blessing, submission doesn’t come naturally to me. Forgive me for my overconfident arrogance that presumes to know better than those you have placed over me.

Those in positions of authority in the government, the workplace, the church, and the home, are your representatives. Lead me to show them honor and respect, both directly and indirectly. Show me ways I can support them in their work. Let me reflect thankfulness to you and to them for their service through my obedience. Prompt me to pray for them regularly. Use them to bless and prosper many, and in any way possible, benefit your kingdom work in the process. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Honor Your Name

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. Nevertheless, since they expose my sin, I naturally bristle before them. With the Second Commandment you emphasize the importance of protecting your name and reputation. Through abuse, misuse, and even simply treating your name too casually, I have failed to give your name the honor and respect it deserves. It’s also a shame when your name is used to curse or wish evil on someone – especially when your name alone is the name that saves! 

May I revere your name by using it for the holy purposes you intended: to pray, praise, and give thanks. I want others to know the blessings associated with your name. Lead me to speak of you with respect and call on you confidently in the presence of others. Help me to appreciate the deep meaning behind the many different names and titles ascribed to you in Scripture and what they reveal about you. I pray that my thoughts, words, and actions will always glorify your name. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 


To Keep You Number One

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. Nevertheless, since they expose my sin, I naturally bristle before them. You command me to put you first in my life, to have no one and nothing else which I would fear, love, or trust more than you. But so easily my heart attaches itself to whatever seems to promise satisfaction, worth, or meaning. When such idols deceive us, devastation follows, for they can never provide what they promise. We relentlessly pursue what end up being meaningless mirages and dead ends.

Guide me to guard my heart from anything and everything seeking to establish a presence there. Reign supreme and expel all that threatens you. You alone are the source of grace for which my heart thirsts. Do not  allow anything to displace you. Be and remain the lone source of my soul’s satisfaction and lead me to look nowhere else but to you for my every need.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.