For the Wise Use of Our Freedom

Holy Counselor,
Since Jesus bought and paid for us with his precious blood, we are free – free from the fear of eternal death, free from the condemnation of sin, and free from slavery to Satan. We are free because we are yours.

Holy Spirit, guide us with your counsel to use that freedom wisely. Let Jesus’ selfless love direct our own hearts and minds, so that we speak and act not in the best interests of ourselves, but in the interests of others. Let me consider not simply what is permissible for me, but rather what is beneficial for my neighbor. As we combine our freedom in Christ with the spiritual wisdom you provide, our freedom is a blessing that builds others up rather than a burden that breaks them down. Grant me your wisdom, Counselor, so that my freedom might result in honor and glory for you, together with the Father and the Son. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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