To Fight Temptation

Gracious Lord,
When we take stock of all the battles against temptation that we’ve lost, and how quick we are to surrender, victory always seems so far out of reach. Truly, if left on our own, it would be. But you fought and won the decisive victory against Satan for us. Your victory is our victory.

Instill in us the confidence and resilience to put up a fierce fight when facing temptation. Yes, the devil is relentless, but we are not helpless. Give us your strength to guard our hearts from whatever would poison them and to keep our eyes from being enticed. With our ears, let us hear only what is good and noble, whatever is uplifting and encouraging, and with our lips, let our speech follow suit. Equip us daily with the weapon of your Word to become more and more determined to stand strong when we are tempted. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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