For Blessing on Our Friendships

Friend of Sinners,
Thank you for the gift of friendship. You bring people into our lives who share common interests, delight in the same joys, and celebrate similar wins together with us. Friends heighten the highs in our lives and lighten the lows. 

Forgive us for when we have been short with our friends or treated them in ways that have hurt them. Help us, as far as we are able, to repair any damage that we have caused in these relationships. Restore us, rebuilding any trust that has been broken, and repair the bond we once had. 

It is because of your saving work on our behalf that you no longer consider us slaves, but friends. Enable us to be for others the kind of friend to be held in the highest regard, and continue to richly bless all of our friendships.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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