For Shared Social Events

Kind Father,
Thank you for social events and gatherings that bring people together to enjoy. An annual event like the Super Bowl provides us with opportunities to connect and laugh together as human beings. Regardless of the outcome, experiences involving food, friends, and the fellowship shared together are gifts from you that I can easily overlook. Thank you for these events you place into our lives often simply to gladden our hearts and bring us joy.

When we engage with one another at events like this, you often open doors for us to check in and catch up with friends and family, and even meet new people. These interactions can make us aware of little moments to encourage or uplift others and informally serve needs they may have. But even if those windows of opportunity don’t open, we are every bit as grateful for positive experiences like these to lift our spirits and share good times with others. These, too, are gifts of kindness from your generous hand. Thank you for them.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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