To Bind up the Brokenhearted

Loving Redeemer,
For more reasons than we could possible imagine, many are brokenhearted. Their hearts are heavy because they grieve the loss of loved ones. Their hearts hurt because others have harmed them, sometimes emotionally; other times physically. Their hearts are broken because their own past wrongs leave footprints of guilt that they cannot sweep away. 

You saw this when you walked among us. You hurt alongside the brokenhearted. But you also came to heal them, to bind them up. With your powerful touch and your healing words, you restored and made well again.

You give us the same powerful Word to bind up the brokenhearted. Let me speak that Word with the confidence and courage that it can heal wounds and soothe spirits. As I speak your Word, let the medicine of your grace and forgiveness, your mercy and relentless love, bind up the brokenhearted as only you can do, and as personally and intimately as each individual needs it. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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