To Make My Feet Beautiful

Loving Savior,
You call the feet of those who bring the good news beautiful. Make my feet beautiful, Lord! Use me as your messenger to bring the joy of salvation to others. Daily I cross paths with so many souls for whom you gave your life, and your sacrifice is completely unknown to them. Embolden me to speak up and speak out so that those whose lives have been marked by hopelessness or hurt can be awakened to hope and healing. Present me with opportunities that are ripe for witnessing. Put me in situations where it is clear as day that someone is yearning for the good news. Push me to step out of my comfort zone and seize those moments with a zealous confidence that can’t keep quiet. Then, when I have been privileged and blessed to be a part of these kinds of joyous interactions, lead me to look down and thank you for making my feet beautiful.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.