For the Gift of Jesus
Christ my Savior,
To us a child is born! To us a Son is given! On this Christmas Day, I am elated to celebrate your birth, which ushered in grace that could be seen and touched in flesh and blood. Although my finite mind will never grasp the miracle of your incarnation, my heart will nevertheless ponder it in awesome wonder.Â
Who am I – who are any of us – that you should willingly choose to dwell among us, the very ones who in sin daily rebel against you and reject your will for our lives? How deeply you must love and treasure us to subject yourself to such opposition, so that you might save the very ones who oppose you. Work in me such heartfelt gratitude for this gift – for you! – that my rejoicing is reflected not only in singing and song, but also in loving others as deeply as you love me.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.