For All the Hardship I Never Experienced

Gracious God,
In this month of Thanksgiving, I am grateful for all of the hurts and the hardships that you kept me from experiencing in my life. I naturally get so hyper-focused on any difficulties or challenges that DO come into my life that I fail to comprehend how many you’ve spared me from over the course of my life. Even when I have had bad experiences, I can always thank you that they weren’t more frequent or extensive than they were.

Thank you for the injuries I never sustained, for the sicknesses I never contracted from someone else, and the accidents I was never involved in. Thank you for the heart-wrenching conversations that didn’t ever come up, the abuse and trauma that are not a part of my story, and the time in a hospital or a prison that I didn’t have to spend. Thank you for guarding and protecting me from so much more than I could ever know, and thank you for your promise to work good even out of the bad things that have come into my life. You are always good, and always good to me. Thank you. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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