For the Blessing of Struggles

Almighty God,
Thank you for struggles. Though I don’t often anticipate ahead of time the good that you are able to bring through them, it becomes clearer as I reflect on them afterward. Through difficulties you keep me humble and lead me to look to and lean on you more. In dealing with challenges, you help me to notice and appreciate the support system you have placed all around me. When I am faced with adversity, it teaches me perseverance and resilience, forcing me to stretch outside my comfort zone or grow beyond what I thought was possible. Although my struggles may feel monumental while in the thick of them, they also put into perspective how resolutely your Son endured so much more on my behalf. Thank you that he endured all that he did, all for me. Give me your strength to keep on enduring as well. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.