For Peace and Calm

Prince of Peace,
Be present with me when I am feeling anxious and unsettled. Sometimes when I experience these feelings, I know exactly where they’re coming from; other times, though, I can’t determine the source of them or understand why they spring up. Whether or not I know their cause, however, I know that you are the solution. 

When I feel like I am not in control of any given situation, calm my uncertainties with the assurance that you are. You promise to weave everything in my life for my eternal good. When I am worried, take my worry and make it captive instead to a stalwart trust in your providence over all of creation and in my individual life. Replace my worst-case scenario thinking with a fear-shattering faith that is eager to see the blessings you are able to bring out of every circumstance. Let my confidence of your governance over all things cover me with a blanket of peace and calm. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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