For Your Protection

Almighty God,
Thank you for the many ways you provide me with protection on a daily basis. There are so many standards and safeguards incorporated into things like construction permits, product manufacturing, transportation & travel, and so much more, that are all designed with people’s safety in mind. Though so few of them are ever even on my radar, thank you for them!

I also thank you for the people who serve in so many different capacities to offer me protection and care. Our military protects our nation from foreign and domestic threats. Police are dedicated to protecting and serving citizens from danger, often putting their own lives on the line. Firemen, too, put their lives at risk to rescue lives and extinguish burning buildings and wildfires. First responders can often be the difference between life and death for those seriously injured. ER doctors and nurses make life-saving decisions in an instant. As I reflect on all of these ways by which you guard and protect me, I am filled with gratitude. Thank you, Lord!

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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