For Husbands

Lord and Savior,
When you willingly endured not only the cross, but also the ridicule, the abuse, and the punishment that preceded it, you showed us what sacrifice looks like. So when you call husbands to love their wives sacrificially, as you loved the church and gave yourself up for her, we have a standard for which to strive. 

Raise up husbands to not only speak lovingly to their wives, but to show it by their actions. Move them to meet their needs. Lead them to provide safety and security. Help them to foster a relationship with their wives that is open and honest, where struggles can be shared and successes celebrated. Let them find joy in being present and delight in connecting with their wives on a deeper level. Bless their intimacy and let their wives be for them the standard of beauty and attraction. Build them up as spiritual examples, making the most of every opportunity to model repentance and extend grace to others. Grant them unwavering trust in you and joy in serving their wives fully. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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