For My Freedom in Christ

Loving Redeemer,
Through your saving work, you have freed us from the eternal consequences of sin, the dreaded fear of death, and the stranglehold of Satan. We are no longer helpless slaves resigned to a life of servitude to sin. We are free!

Instill in me the daily determination simply to bask in the joy of the freedom you won for me. But don’t stop there. Lead me to use the very freedom you gave me as a means by which I can show my gratitude. I am free to speak to you in prayer and to ponder the promises of your Word. I am free to celebrate the freedom I share with other believers every week in worship. I am free to find genuine purpose, satisfaction, and fulfillment in helping and serving other people according to their needs. I am free to generously support kingdom work financially as you enable me to. I am free to point others to your saving work on their behalf. I am free, and I love the freedom you gave me – thank you!

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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