For Mission Work

Lord of the Harvest,
Thank you for instilling in so many people, pastors, and congregations a passion for reaching the lost and a zeal for mission work. Continue to fan into flame the desire to sow the seeds of the gospel so that you might produce a rich harvest through it. Equip believers with the tools and the trust to personally carry out your Great Commission in their individual lives. Give wisdom and guidance to those making difficult decisions that involve planting churches or closing church doors for the purpose of extending your kingdom. Make them aware of and sensitive to the souls affected by such decisions. At the same time, open the eyes of your people to see things from a kingdom perspective rather than the perspective of personal preference, which can sometimes stifle progress in advancing the gospel. Provide overflowing support through generous gifts that allow mission work at home and abroad to expand, pointing more souls to their Savior.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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