To Keep From Coveting

Holy Father,
When your Ten Commandments expose my sin, they leave me without excuse and unable to find anywhere to hide. Nevertheless, the sinner in me still tries! I still try to justify or downplay my wrong, quickly pointing out the times that I didn’t actually say or do anything wrong, but merely hid evil thoughts or desires inside my head and heart – or so I thought!

But when you forbid me even to covet, to refrain from having unholy desires in my heart, you call me out. In fact, in doing so you really lay bare the starting point of all sin: my heart. Every word or action that breaks any of your commandments is first conceived in my heart. So I ask you not only to guard my heart from external influences, but also to create holy desires within me. Cause me to crave what is noble and good and pleasing to you, and fill my heart with pure thoughts so there is no room for sinister desires to take root. Replace covetous desires with contentment and gratitude, satisfying me with every good gift you’ve already granted me.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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