To Keep My Pride in Check

Dear Lord,
Pride has been called the carbon monoxide sin, as its presence so often goes undetected in my life. It is a toxic poison that so easily seeps into my attitude and my thinking. My pride seeks to dethrone you in my life and assume the role of lord and master for myself. It demands to be recognized and respected by others and refuses to back down or be wrong. My pride wants to magnify my name always more than yours.

But since pride is such a master at disguising itself, I don’t always recognize it. Pour out your Spirit in rich measure to help me pinpoint my pride and kill it before it assumes control in any situation. Help others around me tune into it as well, and when they see it in me, to firmly rebuke it when it arises. Enable me to keep my pride in check by daily submitting to you and seeking your will and direction for my life. Be patient with me and never tire of forgiving my rebellious pride and replacing it with your humble righteousness.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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