For the Joy of Play

Loving Father,
Thank you for the joy of play. We are so easily consumed by concerns and control in our day-to-day lives that we fail to realize how negatively this can affect us mentally and emotionally. Unfortunately, sometimes we confuse our need for a break, which is a good and necessary thing, with an escape, which can be a bad or sinful choice prompted by avoidance, that only ends up leaving us even worse off.

Play provides a healthy and fun outlet for us to avoid burnout, meltdowns, or breakdowns. Thank you for sports and outdoor activities, for light-hearted hobbies, and games. Thank you for pets, children, and goofy friends who allow us to relax and embrace play and downtime. Help me to prioritize it so that busyness and to-do lists don’t consistently crowd out play. Refresh and revitalize my body and mind through it, and in such a tightly wound world, use me as well to lead others to see the joy and benefits of taking time for play.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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