To Know What to Pray For

Holy Spirit,
We have confidence that through you, the prayers that leave our lips are music to the Father’s ears by the time they reach him. Nevertheless, I admit that I don’t always know what to pray for, or that my priorities in prayer are often out of order. While I know and am confident that you both hear and answer my prayers, I ask for your direction to guide me in knowing what to pray for.

The Lord’s Prayer teaches us that spiritual concerns should outweigh our physical and temporal ones. Yet my prayers are often backwards in that regard. Help me to turn that around more and focus on the spiritual requests that build up your people and your kingdom. As I consider the needs of others, too, while I am often aware of their physical and earthly needs, make me mindful to pray for their spiritual needs even more. When others share prayer requests with a worldly focus, let me add to them prayers with a Word focus.  

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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