To Respect the Belongings of Others

Holy Father,
The Ten Commandments are intended to be a blessing, not a burden. One of their intentions is to protect your gift of possessions, which you give us to manage and to enjoy. Give me an undivided heart that is guarded from loving material things more than you, the Giver. Rid my heart of all greed and in its place allow a spirit of contentment to flourish. 

When I see how richly you bless others, do not allow temptation to creep in and give way to plotting or scheming how I might acquire what doesn’t belong to me. Instead, lead me to celebrate your goodness in generously providing for them. Let me be a source of help to others in protecting and caring for what you have entrusted to them. Wherever fraudulent schemes are being secretly plotted by a few or blatant theft and robbery in broad daylight are being planned by many, intervene and foil such plans. Let justice be carried out whenever stealing takes place, and lead us all to respect and honor that which belongs to our neighbor. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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