To Follow Through and Finish Well

Faithful God,
There are plans and projects, tasks and responsibilities that are before me right now. While they differ in regard to both urgency and importance, I ask you to give me the drive to see them through. I want to be reliable, known as someone who does what he says he is going to do. Give me wisdom to break things down into manageable steps so that I can clearly see what my next action is. Instill in me the focus needed to stay on task and not be distracted by the whirlwinds of life all around me. When I am stuck, let me seek out the necessary guidance to get unstuck and move forward. Keep me from rushing through anything and doing it poorly, but instead taking the time to do it well.

I want to strive for excellence and give my best, mindful that I am not merely accomplishing checklists for the sake of getting things done, but am glorifying you in everything that I do. Since I seek your approval over all else, and am already assured of it through the achievements of Jesus, I am driven to give you and others my absolute best at all times. Bless my efforts as only you can.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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