To Give Myself More Fully

Mighty God,
From the first word of creation, you have given yourself fully to your creation. You held nothing back in gifting us an absolutely stunning world and universe. Then, your commitment leapt to unimaginable heights through the incarnation, when you, the Creator, inserted yourself into creation as the God-man, Jesus Christ. Leaving nothing in the tank, you poured yourself out fully for all people as our Suffering Servant, the perfect sacrifice for sin.

Inspired by your commitment to me, I want to give myself more fully to you. Too often I play small. Frequently I treat your gift of time like an endless commodity, putting off priorities in favor of laziness or leisure. Replace such tendencies with a yearning desire to make a difference, to maximize my abilities and your gifts to enrich and bless those around me. And, since service in your kingdom reaps eternal blessings, use me in as many ways as possible to build it up and extend it. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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