To Care for My Body

Almighty God,
We are fearfully and wonderfully made. The more we discover about our bodies and how marvelously you have designed them to function, the more in awe of you we are. Not only are we as human beings the crown of your creation, but you also showed how highly you regard our physical bodies through your incarnation, clothing yourself in flesh and blood! Help me to remember that my body is a gift from you, and just like all gifts that you give, you entrust them to us to manage and care for in ways that honor you. 

While you are responsible for numbering my days, I want to do everything I can to protect and preserve the physical body you’ve given me. Give me wisdom regarding my diet and curb my appetite and desire for food that can negatively impact my health in the short or long-term. Guard me from being overly sedentary and instill in me the discipline to exercise and/or maintain a reasonable level of physical activity. Lead me to establish a daily routine that also allows for adequate sleep each night, enabling my body to receive the rest and recovery time it needs to function at an optimal level. All of this I ask so that I may glorify you and effectively serve my neighbor with a healthy body for as long as you determine. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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