To Love God’s Law
Holy Father,
Your holiness both attracts and repulses me. As a sinner, I am well aware that I have no business being in the your presence, face-to-face with your perfection. Yet at the very same time, I know that apart from your holiness, I would be hopeless to ever attain righteousness on my own, so I am drawn to you. In Jesus Christ you provide not only the forgiveness my sin requires, but also the holiness I cannot achieve on my own.
It is the new man in me, raised up by the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus, that now loves your law. I desire to carry out your will. Obedience is no longer the dirty word it used to be, but a daily delight to be pursued. All that is good and right in your sight is also pleasing to me. The good news of the gospel and the freedom I have in Jesus Christ compel me to seek your kingdom and your righteousness, and to reflect it in my thoughts, words, and actions. Help me to show my thanks for Jesus, who perfectly kept the law for me in my place, by continuing to develop my own love for your law. Graciously fill me with both the desire and the ability to keep it as I follow in Jesus’ footsteps.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.