To Honor Women

Almighty Creator,
You created man and woman and brought them together in perfect union. Each are created uniquely, and they provide characteristics and attributes which bless and complement each other. We have every reason to honor each of the sexes as good and pleasing in your sight, and beneficial for family and society.

Unfortunately, our broken world fails to celebrate and highlight the unique strengths of each sex, and instead we speak down to each other. I, too, am guilty of this. When I have belittled or disparaged women, what I have really done is disrespected you. When I view male and female as competing rather than complementing each other, what I have really done is dishonor you. In your boundless mercy, forgive me.

Let me model for others an attitude that shows great respect for women. Guide my lips to speak well of them. When I am able to help and support them, lead me to do so humbly and with a sacrificial spirit. May my words and actions toward women reflect my appreciation to you for the gifts they offer and the blessings they provide in our lives. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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