For Financial Prudence

Gracious God,
Money is a gift from you. Thank you for the ways you place it into my hands: through wages earned from employment, via returns from business opportunities and investments, and as gifts received from others. By itself money is neither good nor bad; honoring you in how I manage it is what determines whether it will be a blessing or a hindrance. Guide me in my handling of money. Guard my heart against our culture’s consumerism, keep me from piling up debt, and fill me with contentment. Help me use finances to provide for my own needs and for the needs of my family when possible. Move me to save wisely and to support others in need as I have opportunity. Let your grace work in my heart to also be generous in my offerings as I cheerfully support your gospel ministry. Grant me a spirit that is also willing to use money for joy and pleasure, always sensibly and as appropriate. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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