Thank You for the Bible

Faithful Father,
In an AI world filled with fake news and relative truth, I thank you for your Word. The Bible is trustworthy and true, and I thank you for this anchor for my soul. It provides me with guidance and counsel. It directs my decision-making and my next steps in life. Above all else, it reveals for me the source and certainty of my salvation: Jesus. Thank you for your Word! 

It has been said that when we read your Word, it reads us, too. It truly exposes who we are why we are in such desperate need of a Savior from sin. It also shows us who you are and what holiness looks like. We see in the Bible a picture of a gracious, compassionate God, who promises never to leave or forsake us, and to always be with us at all times. Create in me a hunger for your Word that can only be satisfied by it, so that through it you firm up my faith and always draw me closer to you. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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