Thank You for Our Freedom

Dear God,
Today our nation celebrates its independence. As we look back on our past, we see so much for which to be thankful. At the same time, we see much that causes regret and weighs heavily on our hearts. Nevertheless, you continue to bless us with a privilege not afforded to the citizens of other nations to the degree that we enjoy it: freedom. While freedom will never be carried out or expressed perfectly in a fallen world, thank you for the many rich opportunities it does provide for us.

Yet as great as this freedom is, your Word reveals to us an even greater freedom: the freedom we have through faith in Jesus Christ. In Jesus, we are free from guilt and shame, from the fear of death, and from the strong hold that Satan has on so many. By Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, our eternal freedom has been secured! Keep us from abusing this freedom in selfishness, and instead lead us to use it to freely serve others with eagerness and joy, just as Jesus first served us. Guard and keep us from taking this freedom for granted, and use us to proclaim this message of freedom to others as often as possible. 

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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