To Trust you in the Trials

Faithful Lord,
Your promise is so clear and so often repeated in the Bible that there is no question: you will never abandon me. No earthly friend or companion will ever come close to caring about me as much as you do. No one else will ever have my best interests in mind at all times the way that you do. 

But no sooner does some hardship or hurt strike in my life and the doubts start seeping in. The enemy presses hard to prompt me to see any level of suffering or inconvenience, whether slight or significant, as proof that you have ditched me and stopped having my back. His relentless efforts too often bear fruit and I buy the lies he sells me.

In your gracious mercy, forgive me. When such doubts arise, equip me to redirect my thoughts away from the lies and back to the truths of your Word, where my fears are put to rest and I am reassured by your promises. Allow me to trace the steps of trial and testing of so many believers in the Bible you have carried through again and again, always keeping your promises, and calm my troubled heart through their experiences as I marvel at the proof of your promises playing out.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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